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Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Gina Olson, Hal Goodell and Ray Kittelberger.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 8:35 PM.


President’s report: Jim Braden: No report.


Minutes:  The April 9, 2015 minutes were approved. (typo corrected)

Consent Calendar:  No items.


Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Checking account: April 1 Balance: $50,343.13   April 30 Balance: $50,758.46

Money Market: April 1 Balance: $12,854.71   April 30 Balance: $12,855.77

The Board has not approved/voted on the Budget yet. Hal proposes that the new computer, which has been approved as an unbudgeted item, be added to the budget (approve the revised Budget with adjustment by cost for new computer and accessories).  Motion by Moore and seconded by Kittelberger passed to accept amended budget.


Crime Watch: Stan Weston reported that there was a serious auto accident in which a transformer was hit. There were no traffic violations reported, however Stan will ask Deputy about this (there are concerns about speeding getting worse on the island0.  We can vary Deputy hours to capture more vehicles speeding. Speeding studies have been done. Ray reports that there appears to be a lag in Crime Watch donations compared to the budget.


Emergency Planning: Ray reported that Emergency Planning is going strong.  Info/minutes from last meeting are posted. May 26th at 2 pm is the next meeting.  Peggy Lovelford (PC Representative) to attend and will be presenting on Liability issues and providing materials. Jim to meet with Commodore regarding involvement of Yacht Club (including  establishing Departure and Embarking points).


Building Committee: Jean Peterson, excused. Carolyn Braden states they have decided to self contract rather than hired a Contractor.   Subs have been contacted.  Products have been selected.  Bids pending.  5 week clear window needed for completion of project.  Target period is mid September to late October.  Bids should be final in 2 weeks.  Then plans and approval, and scheduling can proceed. Further consultation needed with Board.


Nature Center: No report. Minutes from preceding month reviewed, received.  Youth Nature Center photography challenge  to be displayed at Ficra Fair.


Audit Committee: Jim states that financial information about capital expenditures and how the NCC is preserved/maintained, and how FICRA money has been spent should be published to the FICRA website.  Jim again requested account separation with the new bank accounts for the Reserve account, Operating account, and Capital account.  Jim will propose language to introduce the budget material on  Jim talked about the need to meet to define FICRA’s, and the Trust’s, mission/vision which will dictate what new projects and focus FICRA and the Trust should take.


Unfinished Business:  Video Cameras: Jim reported that the security camera system has been purchased, sans monitor for the moment, and will be installed over the next few months.

Basement water control: Retaining wall on the east foundation in the basement is nearly complete.

Planning Calendar: Howard states that there are calendars and tools to utilize FICRA activities.  Google Calendars are multiple and can be combined or separated as desired.  Howard suggested Google Calendar to be used by Board to coordinate all annual events, project management, and planning.  It is fairly straight forward using gmail accounts.  Other FI organizations can utilize same calendar in different color.  Board agreed to have Howard proceed to develop the calendar(s).  Follow up by Jim (churches), Tony (Chapel & Museum), Hal (Zogs) 7 Bob (FIYC).

Keyless Lock status:  Jim reported he has been working with George Weis and is not so sure this is a good approach.  Jim and Howard will study this further and report back.


New Business:

Bylaws amendment was announced to be voted on at the June meeting.

Alliance Church June 28 NCC use:  Jim sent out the agreement to the Board by e-mail

Next meeting is on June 11, 2015


Meeting Adjourned at 9:35 PM.


Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
