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May 14, 2015

Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, Howard Stapleton and Bob Bowser.


Minutes from the April 9, 2014 meeting approved

President’s Report:  Uwe Krohn opened up the Ficra meeting officially at 7:15 pm with the topic of the FICRA Trust Directory.  There are updates needed and discussion about advertising rates $50, $30 and $25 to stay same if cost of printing is still covered adequately.  Volunteers are coordinating to make corrections.

Uwe would like to see in the directory more emphasis to help get members to become involved volunteers.


Consent Calendar: No items.


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell

Extremely successful plant sale this year.  Hal says that FI Garden Club and Sand & Soil had 5-6 plant digs, with many volunteers, and had enough plants to fill every room. Advertised in Gateway. Noon-3 pm. Thanks to Penny Bergman who donated many beautiful pots. $4800 earned.



FICRA  04-01 Checkbook: Bal: $23,431.40 4-30 End Balance:$23,491.08

Money Market  4-01 Balance: $18,597.93 4-30 End Balance: $18,599.46

PayPal Balance: 4-01 $2,111.96 4-30 End Balance: $533.14 (Magical Strings and CBP concert $ transferred to Trust)

Membership for 2015-16 is 29. Members for this year total 345. Total 374.


Committee Reports: 

Social Activities: Jean Peterson, excused. Report from Uwe and Jim.  The Wickline family are interested in again performing for Christmas Tree Lighting, Sat Dec 6, 2015 Christmas Tree lighting. $800 or $100/person.

FICRA Fair t-shirts: Nan will not be doing the T-shifts. Mary Francis has not been asked yet. FICRA Fair “kick-off” Meeting on 20th at the Christ’s home.  County application fee is waved.  Fees for FD and others in process. Music performers are lined up. Booth applications are arriving.  More volunteers needed.  Food court and Music to be relocated/placed together.

Gina to contact Marie Francis to discuss T-shirt planning for 2015 Fair.

Membership Committee: Bob Bowser. Goal of 400 members. Currently 374.  Emails and letters have been sent to those prior members with no email address to solicit renewal of dues.  Responses are yet to be measured. New membership FICRA applications are at post office. Focus now is for 2015-16 memberships.  Ficra Flash has been successful communication tool.


Publicity: Jim Braden. Lisa Stapleton is managing publicity well.  She is very good at putting together articles submitted.  Student Speaker contest application web link has been updated to make it an easier link.  A sign up list of committees to capture more volunteers.


Unfinished Business: Bylaws are read.  To be read at next month meeting, No further input made on suggested changes.

New Business: None

Motion approved to Adjourn at 8:31 PM.


Next Meeting is June 11, 2015.  


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary
