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March 12, 2015

Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, Howard Stapleton and Bob Bowser.


Election Proceedings: 

Jim Braden, representing the Nominating Committee, opened the meeting (the annual election meeting) at 7:06 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

All members in attendance, checked for member status and given a Ballot if they were members.

There were no nominations from the floor for the position of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, nor Auditors (3).

There were no questions from the attendees.

There was a motion from the floor to vote for the Nominating Committee’s slate of candidates by acclamation.  Seconded.

All Approved, and none opposed.


The election meeting was closed and re-elected FICRA President Uwe Krohn convened a FICRA meeting for business.


Minutes from the Feb 12, 2014 meeting approved as amended (financial statement dates for the Pay Pal).

President’s Report:  Uwe Krohn opened up the Ficra meeting officially at 7:15 pm with a photo stream of pictures from the past year’s activities.  We need a person to take over the volunteer lead positions for activities.  Current leaders are willing to help and have established books with timelines and information. Mike Gordon suggested that Ficra contact Gig Harbor HS to ask for youth volunteers (as they have volunteer requirements.) Advertise small positions or roles of help needed in the Ficra Flash suggested.


Consent Calendar: No items.

Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell


FICRA  02-01 Checkbook: Bal: $21,883.07 2-28 Balance:$23,158.30

Money Market  2-01 Balance: $18,594.92 2-28 Balance: $18,596.35

PayPal: 2-01 Balance $52.01 02-28 Balance  $138.69

Deposits in February $1100  for Rentals, Fees $32.50, Transferred to Trust $1067.50

Deposits in February $612.35 for Casper Babypants, Fees $26.16, Transferred to FICRA $471.12

Refund CBP $12

Deposits in Februrary $50 for Dues, Fees $2.06, Transferred to FICRA $47.94


Committee Reports: 

Social Activities: Jean Peterson excused. Uwe has ordered the eggs and jelly beans. He anticipates that this should not cost more than $500, we will try to keep within the budget, but due to time constraint’s we will not be soliciting donations.  Thanks to Rennie Walker and Lynne Goodwin for compiling a notebook format for organizing this every year.


Membership Committee: Bob Bowser. Goal of 400 members. Currently 361.  There are 115 past members that have been sent emails to renew. It was suggested to start June, 2015 acquiring members for the following year.  Another attempt for current year may be best via letter.  Uwe reports that the FI deli market has drawn a couple of memberships.

Publicity: No report

Unfinished Business: None.

New Business: None

Motion approved to Adjourn at 7:55 PM.  Next Meeting is April 9, 2015.  


Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary