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FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 2-12-2015

February 12, 2015
Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, and Hal Goodell. Ray Kittelberger and Gina Olson excused.
Meeting opened by Jim Braden at 7:32 PM.
President’s report: Contained in comments below.
Minutes: The January 8, 2015 minutes were approved as amended at this meeting (the Audit committee will be meeting in March/April but not reporting out until May).
Consent Calendar: Approved. The single item there was the changes to the NCC rental contract and rental rates.
Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell
Checking account:
December 31 Balance: $21,846.71 January 31 Balance: $48,287.57
Money Market:
December 31 Balance: $12,851.54 January 31 Balance: $12,852.63
Budget Discussion: Hal indicated that one more review was needed to get the Quickbooks and bank numbers to match correctly (they are very close). Hal presented a document for the Boards to consider using that compares the cash situation to what is predicted for up-to-date for that month. This will alert the Boards that the financial trend may be going off track and needs investigation.
Capital expenditure possibilities will be reported with the budget document each month for the Board members to see. The Reserve study has been updated which lays out the timing of the FICRA Trust plant life cycle and resulting costs in the future. Jim would like this to also be logged with monthly budget report as another tool in planning how capital dollars will be spent.
Crime Watch: Stan Weston reported that there were zero incidents to report for January.
Emergency Planning: Bob Bowser reported that the next Emergency Planning meeting is February 24. He is working with the Fox Island Yacht Club on transport during an emergency and dredging the channel to allow better entry/egress (
Derek Kilmer contacted on that, too). He asked for OK to hang the overhead picture to indicate where the neighborhood leaders are established. This might help folks see what is developing there and encourage them to join in. Bob has recruited 31 neighborhood leaders, so far. Joan Broughton requested information for the neighborhood leaders (she is for Bella Bella) so they know what is expected of them.
They will be invited to the next EP meeting to learn what is known, so far, on what the neighborhood leaders need to know.
Building Committee: Jean Peterson said the kitchen upgrade is to be worked in the February 25 Building Committee meeting. They will try to get Ralph Christ there since he uses the kitchen weekly for men’s coffee, and, invite Bjorn Bayley to tap his experience in furnishing kitchens.
Nature Center: Ed Burrough excused. No news to report.
Audit Committee: Jim Braden. Audit Committee plans to report out in May. A planning calendar is in process. A 5 yr plan for the Trust is in process and reserve study is part of that.
Unfinished Business: Video Cameras: Jim reported that the security camera system has been purchased, sans monitor for the moment, and will be installed over the next few months. The light dimmers were installed for the Mardi Gras event.
Furnace study: Jim reported that the furnace study is underway to try and ensure we have the most efficient and most effective heating system for the NCC.
New Business: Jim indicated that he will be hiring help to dig the final basement sump. And, we will be getting started on installing the Emergency Planning communications room in the basement. Persons were recommended to help refinish the Boy Scout Display Case. Jim will follow up on getting that done.
Next meeting is on March 12, 2015
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted by Jim Braden for Gina Olson, Secretary
