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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 12-11-2014

December 11, 2014
Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Gina Olson, and Bob Bowser. Howard Stapleton excused.
Uwe Krohn opened the meeting at 7:10 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes from the November 13, 2014 meeting approved.
President’s Report: Uwe Krohn. Uwe stated that his impression of the Christmas Tree Lighting event was a success. He got very good feedback from attendees. Uwe mentioned that the Mardi Gras event is coming up the 24th of January and Casper Baby Pants is coming up the 28th of February.
Consent Calendar: No items.
Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell
FICRA 10-31 Checkbook: Bal: $20,771.69 11-30 Balance: $20,967.16
Money Market 10-31 Balance: $18,590.23 11-30 Balance: $18,591.76
PayPal Balance: 10-31 $843.40 11-30 Balance: $1,473.34
Membership is up to 294.
Committee Reports:
Social Activities: Jean Peterson reports that the Christmas tree lighting was another big success thanks to Lynne’s work chairing it. Thanks also to Carolyn, Dee Ann, Amy Wilkerson, Jim, Kent Peterson, and Uwe for decorating; and Carolyn, Annie, Hal, Gina, Lydia Volberding, the Brownies Troop for helping with serving food and popcorn; the Boy Scouts for the bonfire; and members of the UCC choir for leading carols outside; and of course the Wickline Family and Friends for a great performance.
Membership Committee: Bob Bowser that the Fox Island store is cooperating by allowing signup forms to be placed there with a drop box to collect completed membership signup forms.
Publicity: Jim Braden reports that Lisa Stapleton continues to improve the communication processes with Howard Stapleton continuing to improve the web site, too.
Unfinished Business:
New Business: None
Motion approved to Adjourn at 7:52 PM.
Next Meeting is January 8, 2015.
Respectfully submitted Gina Olson, Secretary