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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 8-14-2014


Board Attendees: Uwe Krohn, Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Gina Olson, Hal Goodell and Howard Stapleton.   Bob Bowser, excused.

Uwe Krohn opened the meeting at 7:10 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Hal Goodell recognized for hard work and excellent results in chairing the FICRA Fair this year. Uwe asked for attendee introductions. Volunteers encouraged to sign in. Also, all persons who volunteered for the FICRA fair should record the hours they worked into the log. Minutes from the July 10, 2014 board meeting were unanimously approved.

Jennifer Bush would like to see FICRA use Event Resources Gig Harbor’s comprehensive website directory of local venues that can be rented to further publicity and increase rental use. This is $250/year with 10 photos, free without. Adds to the existing website, and gives details of the venue, and services that can be used with the event. It also has a place for customer feedback or postings of rental experience. The board will consider options and reply.

President’s Report:  Uwe Krohn Uwe would like to see a method or policy for how to get recent crime information available to Fox Islanders via the website. Jim Braden will work on this as a Trust issue.

Howard notes there is a prominently displayed link on the front page of the FICRA website that goes to a Crime Watch page. The Crime Watch page instructs people to call the 549-7744 phone number or click a link on the webpage to submit a crime incident alert.  Alerts submitted from the webpage are EMailed to the FICRA Gmail account and may be posted to the Crime Watch website page.  The information submitted needs to be reviewed prior to posting to ensure inappropriate information is not on the FICRA website.  There is no person clearly assigned to monitor the submissions at this time. If we continue accepting alerts via the website, there needs to be a responsible team and clearly defined process for handling the alerts.  The review process does not need to be complex but it is important that it is done by qualified persons.  We may also want to discuss whether it is useful to have alerts submitted via the website at all.

Consent Calendar:

Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell.

BANK BALANCES: FICRA  07-1 Checkbook: Bal: $14,885.41 08-1 Balance: $14,790.74 Money Market  07-1 Balance: $18,583.96 08-1 Balance: $18,585.54 PayPal Balance: 07-1 $1,122.27 ($1,170.21  7/01 balance)     08-1 Balance: $1,194.24 FICRA / TRUST transfers since Fair income discrepancies to sort out. The new system is working well, and Hal to make appropriate transfer. Membership is currently 389.   274 from 2014, and 115 added for 2014-15. Total count is up, especially with prior members, non-members for 3-4 yrs, now renewed! This is good!

Committee Reports:

Social Activities: No report. Jean Peterson, excused.

Publicity: Jim Braden Team is working on the website. Now that Fair is over, committees will convene for finance and publicity and website updates.

Special Committees:

Membership Committee: Bob Bowser, excused. Uwe reports on his behalf. Bob has goal for 30% increase. Membership list may be used for sending out membership renewals. Efforts to combine data are underway, and suggested on-going updates. Membership renewals and new applications are looking encouraging.

Rennie Walker has started a Kick Ball Night for families to convene at the NCC on Friday nights during the summer which has been well attended. New memberships are encouraged of families that attend.

FICRA FAIR: Hal Goodell He reports that post meeting gathering held last Tues. Fair had 72 booths total. 8 more than last year. Crime Watch and EM Planning was up front. Good flow was achieved with Fair Booth locations. The scavenger hunt was fully utilized by a few. A finalized detailed report of the fair proceeds, membership and expenses will be available at the next board meeting. Preliminary results look better than the last couple of years. All attendees seemed to enjoy the Fair. A follow up email to venders will happen this week, and an early registration form for next year sent. Comments and suggestions welcome. George Metzger thanked for PA/Sound system. Musical performances were fantastic. UCC Youth helped park cars. Extra phone books in NCC Mens room locker and there are more at the Museum The Boy Scouts helped with set-up and clean-up including assisting vendors with their set-up

New Business: None

Unfinished Business:  None

Movement to Adjourn at 8:05 pm. Unanimously approved.

Next Meeting is Sept 11, 2014.

Respectfully submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary