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FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 5-8-2014



Board Attendees: Tony Moore, Jim Braden, Ray Kittelberger, Hal Goodell, and Gina Olson.

Meeting opened by Jim Braden.

President’s report: Dimmers installed in the main room, demonstrated by Carolyn Braden.  Jim says that LED bulbs are being used but there is still a little flickering at low levels.  More work is being done to eliminate that.

Lynne Goodwin is working to soon purchase a Toy Box from Costco with funds already donated for this purpose by Julie Sorenson.

Kimberly Toal’s email to FICRA discussed.  We are to consider giving her permission to name, in her will, FICRA as the recipient of 20 acres on Fox Drive.  Ed Burrough feels that a discussion is needed to understand the details.  Jim expressed the concern is that this would be a continuing burden to FICRA and/or Trust volunteers to maintain for the public.  Getting the GPC (The Great Peninsula Conservancy) involved was suggested.  We will schedule a visit by them to get advice.

A web-site calendar is being considered to schedule use of the bridge sign.

The grant process is on hold pending prioritization of projects.

Scholarship application is on-line and is working.  A digital copy of the form has been made, reviewed by the board, and now available on the web site.  It can be down-loaded completed and mailed in.  New Deadline for submission is June 30th.  JIm Braden will make H.S. counseling offices and the current applicants aware of this change.

Slight cupping in the new oak floors is of concern.  Cause is likely continued moisture and humidity from basement. On-going effort is being made to curb this with dehumidifier.  More changes are needed to help divert rain water away from building, and landscape graded.

The kitchen upgrade continues to be priority.  Cabinetry, storage, etc. The board to approve finances for this at later meeting after design is approved.

Consent Calendar: No items.

Treasurers Report: Hal Goodell

Trust Beginning Balance: $22,036.10      5-1-2014 Register Balance:$19,081.54

Money Market Beginning Balance: $12,841.85    5-1-2014 Register Balance: $12,842.91


Crime Watch: Stan Weston reported a few incidents, including the following: several reported vehicle break-ins occurring on 9th Ave.  Noise complaints.  Three home burglary reports.  Vehicle break-in in Salmon Bay Estates with no theft. All vehicles were in their driveway, and recommendation or reminder not to leave valuables in your cars.

Emergency Planning: Ray Kittelberger is working on emergency preparedness month event in July.  Two meetings are scheduled this month. The goal is to figure out what services FI residents can expect in an emergency.  The NCC to be communication hub, and air field possibly. Jim has been in contact with leadership at FIAC and UCC churches for emergency overnight housing, Yacht Club for emergency evacuation. A large effort is needed to organize people into their neighborhoods. There is a need to organize island into sections.  Organization of an emergency plan for Fox Island is a lengthy process and will take time and many volunteers or organizers at many levels.

Building Committee: Jean Peterson presents with printed report.

Auditorium lights are now on dimmers. Hose Bib will be modified to facilitate watering.  Nan is working on an information sign to be up in front of the NCC. The hardwood floors are going to be assessed by Blair & Sons. A buff and recoat would cost $1641.  Window replacement is on hold.  Kitchen updates planned. Trust board approves a motion for committee members to clear out items from kitchen which are not being used and sell them at garage sale or donate them.  Leaking and disrepair has been noted in the refrigerator.  Motion approved for the Committee to purchase after advising the Board of the cost.

A hydrologist is being consulted regarding the basement water issues.

Nature Center: Ed Burroughs reports that Nature Center entered and won 3 awards through the Museums Largest Tree competition. Ed will take you to the NCC and show you the trees if desired.  Signs that vandals removed have been replaced. Work on trails continues.  The location remains beautiful and tranquil.


Jim is working with George Metzger on the NCC surveillance cameras .  Motion passed to make purchase of cameras for $800 or less for this purpose.

Walrath has offered to provide the large boulders to prevent further breaches of vehicles through the lawn.  Jim will follow up on this.

FICRA/Trust have been invited to address the Pierce County Counsel.  Ray suggested we share what we are doing to prepare for emergencies.  Board agreed to send a representative.

Jim is working with parents and families of youth vandals that drove cars in circles over back lawn.  They worked on 2 days (about 7 hours, total) and will pay for top soil.

Motion to adjourn approved 9:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted by Gina Olson, Secretary