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FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 12-12-2013


December 12, 2013

Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Tony Moore, Mimi Miller and Ray Kittelberger.  Tres Walker, excused.

President Tony Moore opened the meeting at 7:35 pm.

Minutes from the November 14, 2013 board meeting were unanimously approved.

Consent Calendar: No items

Treasure’s Report:


TRUST  Checkbook: 11-1 Balance:    $14,670.26        12-1 Balance: $11.887.57

Money Market 11-1 Balance:  $10,836.95                          12-1 Balance: $10,837.84


2013 BUDGET                                                                               ESTIMATED YEAR END

Net Income: $2,149                                                                     $8,000

Committee Reports: 

CrimeWatch:  Stan Weston reported two new persons have joined the Citizen Patrol.  He reported that the Patrol has secured school bus schedules and has prioritized that effort – often going to the stop just before the bus arrives to check conditions.  Stan reported that the month of November was very quiet.  The recent burglaries were preventable by folks closing garage doors when absent.  The Island is as safe as it was before the recent stabbing incident.

Ray Kittelberger reported that the Emergency Planning Team now has 13 members and a development organization has been roughed out with assignments given and action underway.  Jim and Tony are responsible for contacting Fox Island leadership to bring them into the fold to help enåsure the thoroughness of Emergency Planning and Execution on the Island.

Building Committee.  The committee presented a list of work completed for the year and what they recommend as priority work ahead.

Nature Center:  Nan reported that work continues on the Nature Center including making the walking trails safer with chicken wire on wood surfaces.  Most of the 40 recently planted native trees have survived.

 Special Committees:  No report.

Fundraising/Membership: Jeff Goodwin

Membership drive: Drew Middleton, Dave Harrington, Jim Braden and Jeff Goodwin progressing on contacting last dues year’s members that have not yet paid their dues for 2014.  The phone team will include Trust giving in a passive way when they resume calling in January.


Unfinished Business:  Tony reported that the Steiffel road situation is apparently dead in the water.  Several, if not all, of the permits have expired for the road down the Wickline property.

Lynne, Carolyn Braden and Hal updated the status of the January 25th Wine & Cheese event.  Wine glasses with inscription are being considered and would be a seed money cost to the Trust.  It was decided to do the shirt voting process at an event after the Wine&Cheese event because of the difficulty in getting the crowd to concentrate on any one thing then.

South parking lot grading is being evaluated, the old oil tank behind the garage has been removed, and the NCC North side light is repaired and will be installed in the next few days.  Cameras are being evaluated with the intent of making them functional, but using them as deterrents with signs around the site announcing their presence.

New Business:  The new Bylaws were voted in unanimously by the Board and members in attendance.

The Finance Committee has developed the preliminary 2014 Budget which was presented to the Board for consideration.  The Board will attempt to vote the Budget into service at the January meeting.

Next meeting is Thursday, January 9, 2014.

Motion to adjourn passed at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jim Braden, Secretary