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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 12-12-2013


December 12, 2013

Board Attendees: Jim Braden, Lynne Goodwin, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Mimi Miller and Jeff Goodwin.  Gina Olson, excused.

Jim Braden opened the meeting at 7:02 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for the relatives and friends of the recently departed: Babson family and Glenn family.

Minutes from the November 14, 2013 board meeting were unanimously approved.

President’s Report: Jim reported working with the Sheriff’s office to have a general public meeting on the recent serious events on Fox Island and to have a Sheriff’s representative there to answer questions.

Consent Calendar: No items.

Treasure’s Report:


FICRA    Checkbook: 11-1 Balance:    $5,970.54             12-1 Balance: $6,263.12 

Money Market 11-1 Balance:  $18,571.62                          12-1 Balance: $18,573.20

PayPal 11-1 Balance: $5,754.81                                           12-1 Balance: $5,681.69

Treasurer to move $5,000 from PayPal to Checkbook.


2013 BUDGET                                                                               ESTIMATED YEAR END

Net Income: $4,150                                                                     $4,000

Membership total is 242 for end of November.

Committee Reports: 

Social Activities:  Wine & Cheese Event is set for January 25th.  Auction items/donations are being accepted.   Wine glasses commemorating the NCC 80th anniversary are being considered.

Publicity: Kalli Ostner still creating signs and improving the web-site as time allows.

Special Committees:  No report.

Membership Committee: Jim reported that the membership phone team (Drew Middleton, Dave Harrington, Jim Braden and Jeff Goodwin) will do another round of calls after the first of the year when some folks are already looking to that being their cycle of paying dues.

Unfinished Business:  Second reading of the FICRA Bylaws amendments was made.  The membership vote will be conducted at the January meeting.

New Business:  The Finance Committee has met and developed a tentative budget for 2014 which was reviewed by the Board members and a decision was made to vote the budget into service at the January meeting.

The Nominating Committee needs to be appointed.  The Board needs to appoint an Audit Committee.

Motion to adjourn passed at 7:35 pm.

Next meeting is Thurs January 9, 2014.

Respectfully submitted for Gina Olson, Secretary

Jim Braden