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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 10-6-2012


October 6, 2012


Board Attendees:  Jim Braden, Jeff Goodwin, Patty Metzger, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Lynne Goodwin, and Mimi Miller.


President Jim Braden opened the meeting at 7:32 pm with the pledge of allegiance. Minutes from the September 6 board meeting were unanimously approved as written.


President’s Report: Jim Braden

  • Volunteers need to write their volunteer hours down in the volunteer notebook, which is kept in the drawer in the front hall. This volunteer time is important to include with the information we send out for grants.
  • Thank you to George Jones for donation a new flag for the front of NCC.
  • Thank you to Nan Feagin,  Terry and Carolyn Wall for organizing the candidates’ forum.
  • Thank you to Carolyn Braden and the 31 volunteers for the successful clean up day in September. (The playground was weeded, chips refurbished, George Metzger painted the pump house, he and Patty painted the front of the garage, the west and south sides of the garage were cleaned up including a  tree cut down by John Peterson for neighbor Margaret Wickline.)
  • The Board members met with PenMet Parks representatives (Terry Lee and Eric Guenther) regarding the Tacoma DeMolay Sandspit Nature Preserve. Outcomes of this meeting:
  1. Ray Kittelberger will work with Stan Weston to determine how CrimeWatch may be able to help.
  • FICRA will set up a forum for islanders and PenMet Parks to discuss the Nature Reserve. Tentative date is Nov. 13.
  • Now that we are through 75% of the fiscal year, the Board studied actuals, budgets and expenses and it looks like FICRA will be $4000 short and the Trust will be $1000 short at the end of the year.
  • Committee chairs are reminded that their budgets for 2013 are due in by November 1, 2012.
  • The Board will review their individual homeowner’s insurance and discuss the need for the FICRA D&O insurance (cost is about $1000).
  • The roof on the garage is on its last legs and repair/replacement needs to be studied. Garage rental is a potential income stream that will be further developed.


There were no items on the Consent Calendar this month.




Treasure’s Report: Mimi Miller

  • The Treasurer’s report is included on the FICRA website with the monthly draft minutes. Previous month’s reports are posted in “archives.”
  • Misc. questions were addressed regarding the Treasure’s Report.
  • CrimeWatch donations are significantly down this year.
  • Jeff Goodwin said we need 140 new members to cover the $4000 deficit.
  • Jim Braden reiterated that the 2012 dues cover January 2012 through July 2013. This will affect our overall cash flow during this period.



FICRA Beginning Balance           $2132.96

Deposits                                           2203.12

Expenses                                           (1751.04)

FICRA New Balance                     $2585.04


Money Market Beginning Balance        $20769.18

Interest                                                                 2.56

Money Market Ending Balance               $20,771.74


Trust Beginning Balance                                    $13,787.08

Dividend                                                         1.70

FICRA Trust New Balance                      $13,788.78


PayPal Beginning Balance                      $1836.51

Income                                                    781.66

Expenses                                              (374.94)

PayPal Ending Balance                           $2243.33


  • Current Family Memberships: 322


The complete treasurer’s report is attached to these minutes.



Committee Reports:


CrimeWatch: Stan Weston

  • There was a burglary in a summer home on Island Blvd.
  • The deputy arrested a driver for reckless driving (going 71 m/h in a 35m/h zone.)
  • The “Vacant House” form will be posted on the FICRA website and on the bulletin board at the store. (If a homeowner gets the form into CrimeWatch then the patrol will go by the vacant home during the resident’s absence.)
  • Stan said in the past he used to go by people’s homes when they moved in and tell them about the island and especially about FICRA.  This is a good way to generate new memberships and we should look into getting a new volunteer to do this. The patrol volunteers could let the “Welcome” volunteer know when they see someone moving in. GREAT IDEA!
  • It was suggested from the floor that Board meetings might be more efficient if we had written reports posted on the web before the monthly meeting from committees so the oral committee reports would be shorter. Jim will speak with committee chairs about this.
  • If anyone observes people at NCC after hours, call Jim Braden and he will go talk with them.


Building Committee: Carolyn Braden

  • Some quick fixes the committee will be doing to the main room to increase rentals are:
    • Paint the board around the main room
    • Put up a new stage skirt
    • Remove the blinds and replace them with roller shades
    • Install a picture rail.
    • Installing carpeting on the lower part of the main room to protect the wall and lower the sound was suggested: Jim said the committee didn’t like the idea and wanted to keep with the “feel of the era.”
    • Nan suggested cleaning out the vents and Jim said he would vacuum them out. (All ductwork was professionally cleaned a few years ago.)


Social Activities: Jim Braden for Karen Craven

  • Since no one had volunteered to head up the Oktoberfest, it was dropped from the calendar.
  • We may have a potluck in November or February for members only.


Nature Center: Ed Burrough

  • The center is being used often.
  • Beginning in November the committee will meet quarterly.
  • The stream is being tested and has no problems.



  • Jim expressed appreciation to Kalli for keeping the website current.


Fundraising: Jeff Goodwin

  • Lynn Goodwin said the grant writing process is beginning and will take about a year.
  • Jeff suggested possibly having an event around the holidays as a warm up to a January membership drive.
  • Databases are out of date.
  • There are about 100 members from 2011 who have not paid their 2012 memberships. Mimi will send the list to Jeff and Jeff will organize calling those people.


Special Committees:


  • Rental income  and related expenses will go to the Trust as an example of the upcoming separation of FICRA and the Trust.
  • The Board has a list of suggested splits of funding between FICRA and the Trust and will determine the details to facilitate the 2013 budget preparation.


Unfinished Business:

  • Survey: no update. Kalli will need to summarize the survey data by the next meeting.
  • The Board is looking into developing rental contracts that reflect certain controls with the price based on the type of event.
  • Linda Dodds, real estate agent, will put a FICRA Flash out at her open houses on the island.


Meeting adjourned 9:09pm.  Next meeting November 1.


Respectfully submitted,


Patty Metzger