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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 9-6-2012


September 6, 2012


Board Attendees:  Jim Braden, Jeff Goodwin, Patty Metzger, Tony Moore, Hal Goodell, Lynne Goodwin. Treasurer Mimi Miller was excused.


President Jim Braden opened the meeting at 7:32 pm with the pledge of allegiance. Minutes from the August 2, 2012 and June 7, 2012 board meetings were unanimously approved as written.


President’s Report: Jim Braden

  • In order to involve youth more, Jim followed up on his previous suggestion to establish a youth board that the youth would manage. Jim reported that the pastors at the Alliance and UCC churches on Fox Island were enthusiastic. Jim proposed two youth from each church, plus our two unofficial youth on the FICRA board. We would have a rep from the FICRA board attend the youth board meetings and the youth would complete the project test form to summarize their ideas to bring to the FICRA board. Their focus would be to generate ideas for NCC facilities and activities for youth on the island.
  • A planning meeting was held on August 21.  Zack Smith, a new resident, shared ideas to engage residents in their 30’s and 40’s.
  • The FICRA Fair had over 50 volunteers.
  • Finances and the budget will be discussed after the garage sale. We need to decide what we can do during the rest of the year.
  • Title for NCC and the Nature Center has been successfully changed from FICRA to the FICRA Trust. Thank you, Jim!
  • We still need to completely separate the finances of FICRA and FICRA Trust.
  • The Membership drive is ongoing.
  • Jim is concerned about burnout of board members and key volunteers.  He feels we need to focus on involving more people.
  • Housekeeping signs for NCC are up.
  • Dwayne  Herzog from the FI store has offered free use of the bulletin boards outside the store with sections for FICRA, the chapel, and the FI Museum. Jim hopes the museum will donate a map to post.
  • Thanks to George Weiss and Judy Wilson for a great directory.
  • The Board needs to discuss the insurance rider for directors and officers with our insurance rep.
  • FICRA will announce when MetParks sets up a meeting for FI residents to participate in developing a plan for the sand spit.
  • Dues paid after December 31, 2011 are good through July 31, 2013. Some people have double paid and Hal will send out a letter to each such member with options to donate or get a refund.
  • Fall clean up is scheduled for September 29.


The Consent Calendar was approved unanimously.

Tony Moore reported that Bill Marcy from the fire department had contacted him requesting the use of NCC on September 21, 22,23 as a setting for a video competition within the fire department. The Board supported their use of the building for this purpose.


Treasure’s Report: Hal Goodell for Mimi Miller

  • FICRA Beginning Balance     $3370.07
  • Deposits                                    6619.39
  • Expenses                                   (7856.50)
  • FICRA New Balance               $ 2132.96


  • Money Market Beginning Balance  $20766.53
  • Interest                                                           2.65
  • Money Market Ending Balance       $20,769.18


  • FICRA Trust Beginning Balance       $11,777.27


  • Fair Raffle                                               2008.15
  • Dividend                                                         1.66
  • FICRA Trust New Balance                $13,787.08


  • Current Family Memberships: 315


The complete treasurer’s report is attached to these minutes.


A question was raised regarding the removal of the porta pottie, but no decision was made.


Committee Reports:


CrimeWatch: Stan Weston

  • Stan Weston reported that there were no serious crimes in August.
  • Stan reports some minor incidents involving party noise, parking on narrow roads and youth in the UCC parking lot.


Building Committee: Carolyn Braden

  • Anyone volunteering hours should fill out the volunteer hours sheets since FICRA is a non-profit organization. (Book is kept in the hallway.)
  • Jean Peterson presented a proposal for new skirting around the stage, which seemed costly to the Board. The Board asked for further development.
  • The committee is looking into ways to spruce up the main room in NCC (new shades, new wall paneling, refinishing floors…)
  • Committee is writing grants to fund larger projects.
  • There will be a 3-hour clean up on September 29.


Social Activities: Karen Craven

  • Karen Craven reported garage sale went well. Thank you, Ray.
  • Upcoming events:
    • September: Carolyn and Terry Wall are planning Candidates Night September 25 for local candidates. Karin will ask GHHS Students to act as hosts to the candidates. Kalli will make signage.
    • October: Beer Fest in the fall for members only (needs someone to spearhead).
    • The fund raising children’s concert: Recess Monkey is scheduled for October 13th.

Jeff thanked Karen for organizing the fish painting project during the FICRA Fair for the youth.


Nature Center: Phil Craven

  • 290 total volunteer hours in 2012 with hardworking volunteers.
  • Thanks to Ed and Nan for manning booth at the fair.
  • Phil proposed a sign/verbiage to describe use guidelines for the NC.  The Board would like the verbiage a bit more positive.
  • Planned: September 12 meeting, September 15 work party.



  • Jim expressed appreciation for the work Kalli is doing both with sign-making and the on-line editing.


Fundraising: Jeff Goodwin

  • The survey will run through September, then, based on the survey, we will make decisions on fundraising/membership.
  • We need to merge the databases to determine who is a member, whose membership has lapsed in 2012, and then to contact them.
  • 2002-2010 saw a yearly decline in membership. In the last two years membership has increased 30% (from 250 to 315.)
  • Jeff has sorted addresses based on where people live for a significant membership drive.


Unfinished Business:

Hal Goodell suggested we have a general membership meeting to involve more people in the operation of FICRA. Perhaps we could do this quarterly and include something FUN! Karen Craven suggested having babysitting available during general membership meetings.


Meeting adjourned 9:30pm.  Next meeting October 4.


Respectfully submitted,


Patty Metzger