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FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 7-7-2011

JULY 7, 2011

President Lynne Goodwin opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance at 7:35.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.
The minutes of the June 21 special meeting were approved as read.
The minutes prompted a question concerning the pay to the rental coordinator of 15% of rental fees which has been paid to Lise Ohlson for the past 4 or 5 years.  Mike Gordon had moved 4 or 5 years ago that this be allowed for her time in renting the building.

Lynne gave her president’s report:
•    Announced Judy Kanick, Maggie Flanagan, and John Ohlson’s  resignations from the board, and Lise Ohlson’s resignation as rental coordinator.   She thanked them for their hard work and time the devoted to volunteering for FICRA.
•    Welcomed Mimi Miller as treasurer, and thanked Judy Kanick for her help in the transition.
•    Mentioned that a member has expressed interest in the rental coordinator position.
•    Thanked FICRA Fair volunteers, Ernie Karlstrom for leading the beach walk for 35 people.
•    Reviewed the Emergency Preparedness presentation.
•    Announced 2 weddings held at NCC, and regular activities.  She has spoken with Deborah Stephens at the Chapel about how we can work together.  FICRA’s new communication site, Constant Contact, will be up soon with the new FICRA Flash; the new web-site, will be up soon.

Treasurer’s report:
Max gave the report for Mimi:

Total income for month:  $1556.07
Total expenses for month   805.62
Net income        $   750.45

$150 in dues = 6 new memberships

Committee reports;

Crime Watch –  Stan Weston reported another quiet month.  Crime Watch needs a $8500 budget to pay deputies $45 per hour.  There are 6 volunteers on the island, 3 that drive about 250 miles a month on the island, and need 6 more.  They help prevent mail theft as well as other crimes.  Mike Gordon thanked Stan for his work and asked if Crime Watch could be integrated into FICRA’s budget.  The money from PenMet Parks will not be coming in after they find a caretaker.  Lynne will include Crime Watch needs of funds and volunteers in the newsletter and websites and the fair booth.

Structure and facilities:  Tony Moore reported that the water from the gutters is to be taken care of the following Wednesday by Tom Purvis and crew.  He will be getting a 4th bid on insulation on Friday.

Interior:  Carolyn Braden reported for the building committee which requested permission to do 10 improvements to the NCC building that would incur little or no cost.  The list is attached to the minutes.  Max Ostner moved to allow a maximum of $450 for the listed improvements.  The motion was seconded and passed.

Carolyn then proposed a ‘Spruce Up’ proposal for the halls and bathrooms.  The total costs have not been calculated.  There was  discussion as to whether these improvements are appropriate to FICRA or the Building Trust.  Some money has already been donated for the project; some services have been donated.  Max requested to know the value of the donated services and supplies. The improvements would make the building more attractive for rentals.  Max moved to table the proposal until more information is available.  The motion was seconded.  Jean called for more discussion.  In was agreed that more information is needed on the costs.  Carolyn would like to be allowed to solicit money for the specific project, as well as approval of the project.  The motion was changed to defer to the Building Trust since most of the improvements involved would be capital improvements.  The committee however, can solicit donations to fund the improvements.

Activities:  Karen Craven announced that Mommie and Me, Game Night, and the Men’s Coffee have been suspended until September.  However, Men’s coffee will meet Wednesday in hopes that they will help with the water drainage project.
She reported that there was a good turnout for the beachwalk; the Ice Cream Social will be Sunday afternoon; free exercise classes lead by Angelina will be July 12, at 9:00 and July 14, at 4:00;  astronomy night in August lead by Terry Mace; a childrens’ clothes swap before school starts; and a toy swap at Christmas.

Nature Center:  Phil Craven reported that the committee is continuing to learn how other nature centers and preserves operate.  They will have a booth at the FICRA Fair and take people on guided tours, and have a display of pictures of birds and plants found in the NC.  They might have a scavenger hunt in the center.  They have added wood chips in muddy areas; another boardwalk is needed at the base of 2 trails over swampy areas.  Most regrowth is native plant material.  The committee meets on July 20; the work party is July 16.

By laws:  Carolyn Braden reported for Jim:  Committee members are working on their 55 page packets.  They decided to apply for WAACO pro bono legal work.

Playground:  Max will install the new playground toy.  He would like to have some help.

Emergency Preparedness: Lynne would like an Emergency Preparedness committee to prepare a list of island residents who have special skills and training to call in a disaster situation.

Unfinished business:
There is a need to publicize the Fox Island Phone Book so that new residents are included.  Linda Dodds suggested that realtors are a good source for new residents and those moving off island.  She will contact the realtor commission.  Karen will check on the outside bulletin board at the store to post notices.  Add requests to Constant Contact and Facebook.

New business:  Lynne asked for any news to be submitted for the newsletter soon, and ads to help cover costs.  She had a draft for people to review.  She requested three volunteers to help fold the newsletters to mail and save $150.  Karen, Joan, and Sue responded.  DeeAnn will write an article requesting donations to the Building Trust.

FAIR:  Nan reported that the theme will be ‘Slugs’.  There are 27 reserved booths; 41 total.  Among other things there will be: a dunking booth, chain saw artist, cake walk, an artist booth, perhaps pony rides, a canvass for children to paint with their hand prints, perhaps an opportunity to paint the pump house.  She requested volunteers to relieve artists during the fair.
Max:  dumpster is ordered.
The dues problem recurs each year.  Many pay their dues at the fair not realizing they are only current until January.  Suggested solution:  have people pay $12.50 at the fair until Dec. 31.
Sue Spencer reported that there will be a raffle to add money to the Building Trust.  Please call her with the names of people who might be donors.

Max announced that nobody has volunteered for bingo and if anyone is interested, to call him.  Question about too many games of chance at the fair which might require a gaming license.

Lynne announced the tee-shirt design winner – Devon Ropes.  The design will be on the tee shirts and on the cover of the phone new books.

Lynne announced the next meeting to be August 4.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Peterson